
Temptressx666 carries the Mark of The Prince. The Coven of Secretele Vampir

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Phantom (28.71)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Secretele Vampir
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  January 1, 2007
Age:  17

North Dakota



Bite Temptressx666

Stalk Temptressx666



"I Think NOT of what could have been, but what is and what could be."


I am happy to be on this site once again and to be able to meet all of you! I have been on here before. You may have known me as Temptress666x. I have not been able to access my old account, so I am starting from scratch.

I am a proud member of this coven! Thank you deringerdan!

Our alliance is awesome as well.



I would like to give a special thanks to deringerdan for helping me build my profile! Thank you for making all of the designs possible! You are greatly appreciated! Please visit and rate his profile!


My dear, sweet mother is also on this site. Her username is: Foreverseeking2. Please visit and rate her profile as well! I want to give a big thanks to her for encouraging me to rejoin VampireRave! Thank you mother dearest! My mother is an amazing writer! Her poems speak to the readers and keep them coming back for more! Here is one of her many wonderful poems:

I heard you singing.........

Haunting my heart , stirring the night -
A restless voice dancing in flight.

I heard you weeping.........

A single tear did fall , lost and alone
From the beginning 'till now-
A love of your own.

I heard you laughing..........

Sweet music of nocturnal bliss,
Rising from the throat of my Dark Prince.

I heard you sighing.............

Cradling thy heart ,
I rest 'neeth the shadow of your wings.
A love transcended in time , never to part.

I heard you whisper............

Blood as wine-
Pain and lust-
Hand in hand-
No trick -
No trust!

I heard you calling.........

My name on your lips, tell no lies,
So sweet in the breath of deceit -
Drawn to thee without thine eyes.

I heard you breathing...........

Feeling your sabers trace my vein-
In my slumber you drank a thousand times,
A thousand secrets told in silence,
The dark dream of tales entwined.


Real Vampires love Vampire Rave


First, I would like to explain my rating status. I rate accordingly to your literature and the amount of effort you choose to put into your profile. When I see alot of unnecessary use of inappropriate grammer in your profile, I will rate fairly. If I also see mostly pictures and very little to nothing said about yourself, (likes, interests, ect.) I will rate fairly. With my Premium Membership, I can see what you rate me. If you choose to rate me fairly after I have put alot of effort into my profile, I will return the rate given. I will often let you know in my rating comments whether I have updated so that you may revisit and rerate. One very important thing I need you to know is: If you choose to rate me fairly with a profile that has less effort put into it than mine, I will rate you one grade lower than that given to me. If you rate me a ten, I will (of course) return the favor, regardless of what your profile looks like. I am a person that likes to read profiles with good use of grammer. It is very hard to concentrate on the meaning (theme) of your profile with alot of inappropriate content or too many flashy pictures. I love animation and flash as much as the next person, but there is a limit to the amount in every profile.

As far as portfolios go, I rate all of them a 10. I feel that they are a part of your personal life and therefore are treated with respect! I feel that portfolios are an area that does NOT need to be decorated with fancy themes. I do not rate according to theme. I feel it is not necessary. All that is needed are your personal pictures. Being that all of my photos are a close part of me, I would expect no less in return.

I would also like to point out that I have no time for bashing! Nobody likes to deal with childish behavior! If you don't like me or don't like what I am about, (said in my profile) then don't bother letting me know! If you choose to bash me or leave inappropriate content said against me, you will be blocked!

Thank you for reading this.


I am starting off explaining who I am by letting you all know that I am straight! I am a simple minded person who likes to live in the moment. I love animals and nature. My life revolves around horses. They are my life and blood. I love riding and working with them. I also hunt, fish, and snowcat which also have to do with nature. I love to cook and bake. I am always experimenting on new recipes. I have my mother to thank for teaching me so much about cooking! I would have loved to have learned more about grilling from my father, but unfortunatly, he is no longer with us. R.I.P father! I miss you dearly! I am hoping that their magical ability with recipes stay with me for years to come.

Some physical features of myself is as follows:

  • I am about 5'9"
  • I have long black hair
  • I have hazle-green eyes
  • big red lips
  • Pale skin in the winter, tan in the summer.

    I recently, on July 10th, married a wonderful farmer! We had a beautiful wedding down at our favorite place to camp and ride horse, The Rockin R Ranch. I have dreamed of having a wedding down at the Ranch ever since I was a little girl. It feels wonderful to have been able to enjoy my dream. We have our own cattle and horses. We raise our own beef and pork. We also raise wheat and soybean crops. I love taking care of my husband. Cooking, baking, cleaning, and helping on the farm is my main job. Making him comfortable is my second job.

    "Love is a feeling. Feelings are not always understood."

    "Life can be lived by any. Artificial love is felt by many. I will not follow this chain of regret."


    ~The Devil's Desire~

    Cherishing life within the darkness
    of an uknown realm.

    Feeling the deceitful kisses within
    from an unseen force.

    A whisper, so sinister, yet sweet..
    calling me to the darkness.

    Fear swells inside me holding me back.

    Yet, the desire to fall for a demon's
    seductive kiss draws me closer to temptation.

    should I let the darkness suround me,
    or should I stay to embrace the light?

    A voice coming from all around me,
    reaching out to hold me still.

    I call out to the darkness to leave my soul.

    A smile forms across my face as I feel the
    prescence from the voice of reason.

    I turn to look at my reflection,
    as I realize I have fallen for the

    Devil's trick...


    I love music! I play the acoustic and electric guitar. I mostly listen to dark, heavy metal but I do occationally like to sing some good country music now and then. Some of my favorite singers and bands are:

  • Type O Negative
  • Halstorm
  • Kamilla(local band)
  • Avenged Sevenfold
  • Godsmack
  • Evenescence
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Carrie Underwood
  • Miranda Lambert
  • Chris Ledoux
  • Johnny Cash
  • George Strait
  • Garth Brooks
  • The Band Perry
  • Little Big Town

    This is an awesome band that I have listed above called: Kamilla! They are a local band near my area with an outstanding talent! They had recently endured a tragic loss of one of the band members. (RIP) But, they have regained themselves once again and are back on stage! YOU GO GIRLS!!!


    I would also like to add that I LOVE to dance! Any kind of dancing makes me happy, but I really prefer belly dancing. It is a beautiful, artistic form of dancing us belly dancers like to call: "Making love to the air." My mother always said I was born with hips, so I put them to good use and started belly dancing. It makes me feel so sexy and beautiful with all the satin swerling all around me as my hips make my coins bounce to the beat of the drums. It takes alot of muscle control and I am happy that I am able to do so.


    I do like movies and good shows on the TV. Some of my favorite Movies and TV shows are:

  • Queen of the Damned
  • Ice Age(All three)
  • Shrek(All four)
  • Carrie
  • Friday the 13th
  • Freddy Vs. Jason
  • Anything haunting

    TV Shows:

  • Two and a half Men
  • Family Guy
  • Simpsons
  • King of the Hill
  • 48 Hours
  • Animal Planet
  • Man Vs. Food
  • All Ghost hunting shows



    I am obsessed with the paranormal! I love to ghost hunt. I have had many encounters with the spiritual world. I may have even experienced a real possession as well, but I was very young at the time. I feel that keeping an open mind is the best way to comunicate with spirits. I also feel that putting yourself through what these spirits may have been through is a great way to raise the energy within the area that is haunted. Mostly, spirits want to be heard. Touching and talking through drawn energy is a way they try to tell you something. If a spirit has had a painful, torturous, or unsettling death can often lead to more negative attacks to the living. Demonic spirits are not spirits at all. They are fallen angels that have come from hell to claim authority in areas they chose on earth. They are dangerous! They can hurt people and they are no joke. If you feel you have one within your area, an exorcism is the best way to rid them of the area. These demons ushually like to attack the weaker first. This then would bring down the stronger spirit, making it easier for it to attack. I love to comunicate with those who have passed. I feel I am helping them to say what they need to say and help them to move on. I know that spirits seem scary, but they are unsettled souls looking for relief.


    These are my horses! They are my life! I love them dearly!


    I am an easy person to get along with. I love making friends and meeting new people. When I make friends, I protect them. I bring them close to my heart! I guess you could say I am an emotional person. Well I am! I feel it is better to express what you are feeling rather than keeping it bottled up within you. One day the pressure will be too much and thats when those who do, will regret it later.

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    So, once again I look forward to meeting all of you and becoming your friend, so please feel free to rate and add me to your friends list, but please let me know so that I may do the same. My profile is a working progress, so please rate fairly.


    Thank you!

  • Member Since: Nov 30, 2010
    Last Login: Nov 15, 2014
    Times Viewed: 6,698

    Times Rated:423

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    As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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